Red Dead Online Event Schedule

The next Free-Roam Event is at (in ).

The next Role Event is at (in ).

All times are in your local time zone, according to your device's locale settings. If you see an event that is listed incorrectly, please click the "Submit correction" link next to the relevant event.

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Free-roam schedule

* Challenges events include Horseback Kills, Headshot Kills, Bow Kills, Longarm Kills, Sidearm Kills, Wild Animal Kills or Fishing

Role schedule

Thank you to Patreon Pardners Ian Richard Markham and WANTED1899 for their support! 🤠

Built with ♥ for the RDR2 community by Richard Westenra. Spotted any inaccurate data or bugs? Submit an issue/PR on GitHub, leave a comment on Reddit, email me, or tweet at me.

Event data source: The RDO.GG API. Contrast icon by Tawny Whatmore from the Noun Project